
Andrew Malone MB BCh BAO BSc MD MRCPI

Principal Investigator

I am a Transplant Nephrologist at Washington University and Barnes Jewish Hospital in St Louis.

Originally from Ireland, I completed nephrology training in Ireland and the U.S. As a clinician-scientist, I continue to see patients in the transplant and donor clinic. Our program performs over 350 kidney transplants per year and we follow all our patients indefinitely.

My work and interest is in understanding the immune responses occurring in the kidney transplant, in particular antibody mediated rejection, the leading cause of late allograft failure. Another focus is the study of glomerular diseases that recur in post transplantation.

Our transplant nephrology group performs and participates in many clinical and translational trials. I am site-PI for a number of these trials.


Aidan Leckie-Harre BSc

Research Technician
Aidan is a graduate of St Louis University. There she studied biology and bioinformatics.

Former Team Members

Preston Wang BSc

Post Doctoral Researcher

Masters of Science in Biostatistics and Data Science student

Zoe Siegel

Undergraduate Research Assistant
Zoe is an undergraduate at Washington University studying Biology.

Venkatrao Nunna PhD

Post Doctoral Researcher

Isabel Silverman

Undergraduate Research Assistant